nursery schools
- n.幼儿园
- nursery school的复数

Nursery schools should fulfil the function of preparing children for school .
On the Reform of Education in Nursery Schools
Not all nursery schools make use of the opportunities open to them .
She 's all for more nursery schools being built .
We need to open more playgrouds and nursery schools in country areas .
Speaking as a married woman , I consider it important to provide nursery schools for all children who need them .
The reform of education in nursery schools is a newly started undertaking which meets with difficulties in its work .
We need more nursery schools , creches and kindergartens .
Parents demanded that nursery schools offer Mandarin , since it 's never too soon to prepare for the competition of global economy .
The health statuses of these children were contrastively analyzed according to the pattern of ownership of nursery schools the children stayed .
Nursery schools for the fives and under .
81 . Parents are firmly convinced that , to send their child to kindergartens or nursery schools will have an unfavorable influence on the growth of children .
Parents should be encouraged to send their children to nursery schools , which will bring about profound impacts on children and families , and even the society as a whole .
In many counties , towns and nursery schools -- within Washington state , Oregon , Vermont and California , especially - vaccination rates are now far below the herd-immunity level .
The women I met , mainly at playgrounds , play groups and the nursery schools where I took my sons , were mostly 30-somethings with advanced degrees from prestigious universities and business schools .
Methods 2483 children were selected at random from 5 public nursery schools and 10 private nursery schools . The health statuses of these children were contrastively analyzed according to the pattern of ownership of nursery schools the children stayed .
Methods Radom cluster sampling was used to choose 5 nursery schools , all 301 preschool children of low class were investigation object , and micronutrient measures such as serum zinc , iron , calcium and serum vitamin A were carried out .
The initial premise of the argument , that the more children there are to bite , spit , climb and cuddle together , the more infections they pick up , has been demonstrated in studies on nursery schools .
Using the method of cellophane and swab investigated into the conditions of children infected with pinworm in the nursery schools both in the urban districts of Luoyang and in the countryside of Yanshi city . 1075 children were investigated in all .
83 . Although parent would be able to devote much more time and energy to their children , it must be admitted that , parent has less experience and knowledge about how to educate and supervise children , when compared with professional teachers working in kindergartens or nursery schools
I have previous experience working in children 's homes , nursery 's , and schools and managing a variety of children 's settings throughout the UK and Europe .